Quotes from Leaders Like You
Leaders who see that high performance must be the norm if we are to make meaningful progress in addressing society’s most challenging problems.

“For several years, I have been teaching Leap of Reason and the “Leap of Reason Board Package” in Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy, a Masters-level designation for professional advisors and nonprofit gift planners. The materials have been hugely helpful to this audience. ‘The Performance Imperative’ makes a great addition to the curriculum.”

“I read ‘The Performance Imperative’ and it could not articulate my aspirations any more clearly. It is actually a bit frightening…as if you dug into my 3am brain when I am up trying to figure out how to get from here to there. It is exactly where I want to get JFS. This is tremendously relevant to our work.”

“‘The Performance Imperative,’ coupled with Results-Based Accountability™ concepts, provides a clear and actionable set of steps needed for nonprofit impact.”

“When I shared the PI poster with my leadership team, one member immediately looked at it and said, ‘That’s us!’ We’re in the midst of a very comprehensive planning process and are having an intentional discussion about how to formally work it into our new theory of change.”

“I don’t care if you lead a nonprofit, a business, a church, or any other type of organization or team—this [‘The Performance Imperative’] is PHENOMENAL and will really help you frame questions that fit your context and help you move toward high performance and better leadership. It’s only 16 pages, but it will be of tremendous benefit to you and the teams you lead.”

“I have sent the PI out to all of my nonprofit clients and many have already begun using it as a jumping off point to discussions with their board and/or staff about how their organization rates along the pillars of the PI. They are excited to finally have a tool that defines a high-performing nonprofit.”

“I presented ‘The Performance Imperative’ to a group of engaged corporate philanthropists as well as sharing it with my clients and other social sector leaders in the Chicago-area. The response is tremendously positive—as if it’s the framework so many have been waiting for. I am now integrating it as a core component of my consulting and look forward to developing tools for practitioners to make the journey to high performance a reality!”

“It’s wonderful to see the way the PI is taking off. If I do get back into the classroom, you can be sure it will be an integral part of the course structure, just as it’s now a core piece of the way I think about my volunteer activities in Cambridge!”

“In the last session of my MBA course on ‘Managing Social Enterprises,’ I used the PI’s definition of high performance in one of my wrap-up slides. A number of students used this definition in the final exam, in response to a question about performance. So, it is already making its way into the DNA of future leaders. And for current leaders, I’ve added the PI to the reading list for an executive program on Performance Measurement for Nonprofit Organizations.”