Quotes from Leaders Like You
Leaders who see that high performance must be the norm if we are to make meaningful progress in addressing society’s most challenging problems.

“Leap of Reason is a terrific resource for nonprofit managers and board members, as well as social entrepreneurs, foundation leaders and informed individual donors…. As a consultant who often works on strategic plans and development roadmaps, I particularly value the savvy framework section and will undoubtedly use some of the key questions and models there in my work.”

“This short book is a great starting point for understanding the importance of nonprofits managing to outcomes. It also has a great list of resources to take you further down the road….”

Leap of Reason is “full of valuable insights about a sector that is increasingly important. [The book] is a must read for all involved in the non-profit organisations.”

“Leap of Reason is unusual among books about measuring results for nonprofits in that it is brief and practical…. Mr. Morino recognizes that measuring results is only a means to an end and urges readers never to confuse measurement with mission.”

“Mario Morino … has eloquently and forcefully argued for the need of nonprofits and its philanthropic community to embrace a management to outcomes framework…. In our limited but growing experience, it is exhilarating when our partners … need not assume but can actually see how our individual and collective efforts are making a real measurable difference.”

“What leadership books are at the top of your summer reading list? Here are my five 5. Leap of Reason: Managing to Outcomes in an Era of Scarcity by Mario Morino. Given that federal agencies can often have difficulty measuring their outcomes, Morino’s book offers a simple approach for helping federal managers identify critical measures and learn from results.”

“Mario Morino’s Leap of Reason [is] a book which is not only destined to be viewed in the long term as a seminal contribution to the field, but which has, within only a few short weeks, made its way across much of the nonprofit sector In this book, Mario collected his thoughts and put it all down on paper in an irrefutable argument for results-based thinking, management, and practice in the nonprofit space…Leap of Reason is a book that every nonprofit leader should read.”

“If you’re a Non-Profit Leader who is passionate about the change that you’ve set out to accomplish … this is a quick and easy MUST READ…. [Leap of Reason] will inspire you as well as leave you with some functional tools to start doing what you do, even better!”

“Leap of Reason … is a wakeup call for those who have been resistant to measurement.”

“Leap of Reason could legitimately serve as a text book in the training of those who would be and/or are current execs. It should be considered as a tool for helping execs prepare their Board Chairs for leading.”