Quotes from Leaders Like You
Leaders who see that high performance must be the norm if we are to make meaningful progress in addressing society’s most challenging problems.

“Managing to outcomes is not about simply counting things or gathering information. And it is not about satisfying funders. It is an internal effort aimed at figuring out what works and what doesn’t, so that the organization can provide the best possible services to its clients”
This was one of the best conferences I’ve been to in years… It felt like I was witnessing the birth of the next generation of the social sector. Buoyed by the ability to see the writing on the wall, this group is determined to lead the fundamental, and critical, shift towards a more effective sector.

“We’re using ‘The Performance Imperative’ as an internal check list to see where we’re nailing it and where we may be falling short.”

“I’m presenting ‘The Performance Imperative’ to the Governor’s transition team to set a higher standard for how nonprofits partner with government.”

“‘The Performance Imperative’ will be required reading for my evaluation course at Washington University as well as shared with our grantees, volunteers, partners, and other United Ways throughout the country.”

“I’m using ‘The Performance Imperative’ with my senior team — ultimately it’s going to help us be more accountable to who we want to be.”

“‘The Performance Imperative’ will help us guide organizations we fund in asking themselves questions that will lead to better performance.”

“As we prepare to partner with our network in new ways to serve more students in need, the principles of ‘The Performance Imperative’ are integral to our strategy.”

“I’m using ‘The Performance Imperative’ in trainings with hundreds of staff and managers at international social service agencies and leaders of job centers, social investment funds, and major nonprofit direct service organizations.”

“I used the introduction video for ‘The Performance Imperative’ in a strategic planning session I facilitated for a large social services agency in Northeast Ohio. The video set an inspiring tone for the day, and the descriptions of the pillars of high performance will be a helpful tool as we continue to build out a plan that moves the organization toward even higher levels of performance.”