Our ‘Conspicuous Miss’
March 20, 2019
Last month, many of you wrote to extend nice words about our post “Five Habits of Highly Effective Funders.” You also sent constructive pushback. Our friends Chip Edelsberg and David Bonbright separately offered a similar criticism: In Edelsberg’s words, “What’s conspicuously missing for me in this formulation is reference to the means by which trusting relationships [between funders and grantees] are realized.”
So this month we’re going to share some of the key lessons we’ve learned about how highly effective funders have successfully built trust with their grantees. We’ve drawn them from Edelsberg, Bonbright, and other experts in the Leap Ambassadors Community; the foundations profiled in the Leap Ambassadors’ “Funding Performance” series; Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) data; the Raikes Foundation’s Impact-Driven Philanthropy Initiative; and our own steps—and missteps—in philanthropy.
If you’re truly committed to this path, then you, like Einhorn, will have grantees say glowing things like, “We have an honest, authentic relationship with each other. I trust that they care about my success as much as I do. We have had challenges, but I have not felt judged because of that. I’ve experienced empathy.” You, too, will build the kind of trust that is a gateway to effective philanthropy.
Keep the faith (and reason),

Mario and Lowell
Mario Morino is chairman of the Morino Institute, co-founder and founding chair of Venture Philanthropy Partners, and author of the lead essay in Leap of Reason. Lowell Weiss is president of Cascade Philanthropy Advisors, co-editor of Leap of Reason, and advisor to the Leap of Reason initiative.
So this month we’re going to share some of the key lessons we’ve learned about how highly effective funders have successfully built trust with their grantees. We’ve drawn them from Edelsberg, Bonbright, and other experts in the Leap Ambassadors Community; the foundations profiled in the Leap Ambassadors’ “Funding Performance” series; Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) data; the Raikes Foundation’s Impact-Driven Philanthropy Initiative; and our own steps—and missteps—in philanthropy.
- To build trust, you need relevant expertise. In the words of Raikes Foundation Executive Director Erin Kahn, “You have to demonstrate value to grantees, or they just see you as an accountability enforcer…. The biggest value add is knowing their work, fields, and ecosystems well enough to be a strategic partner.” CEP research backs this up: The biggest determinant of a strong funder-grantee relationship is the extent to which funders understand grantee organizations and the context in which they work. You’ll see much more on this point not only in the forthcoming profile of the Raikes Foundation but also in the profiles of Venture Philanthropy Partners, Impetus-PEF, and Mulago Foundation, all of which hire executive-level talent to help grantee partners navigate complex organizational and systems challenges.
- To build trust, you need high emotional intelligence. The best trust-builders exemplify empathy, integrity, humility, and a willingness to make oneself vulnerable. Bonbright shared a lovely quotation by the aboriginal activist Lilly Watson which frames this point in spiritual terms: “If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.” For case studies that emphasize high-EQ work with grantees, take a look at the Leap Ambassadors’ profiles of the Einhorn Family Charitable Trust, Weingart Foundation, and Blagrave Trust.
- To build trust, you need relevant life experiences. In the profiles of Weingart Foundation, philanthropist Duncan Campbell, and Venture Philanthropy Partners, you’ll meet team members whose diverse racial and socioeconomic backgrounds often mirror those of the people the foundation aims to serve. The profiles of Einhorn, Weingart, and Blagrave illustrate another type of relevant life experience: having sat on the grantee side of equation. Funders who have walked in the shoes of their grantees often have a different level of respect for grantee expertise and a different level of understanding of the ways funder behaviors (positive and negative) affect grantees.
- To build trust, you need to give your staff the right tools and structure. It means rewarding relational values. (When Edelsberg ran the Jim Joseph Foundation, he asked grantees to share, in one-on-one meetings and anonymous surveys, how their point person was doing on trust-building—and then made this feedback an important component of performance reviews.) This means creating a staffing model that provides time for relationship building rather than simply engaging with grantees in “discrete transactions made in a linear fashion,” in the words of former Surdna Foundation CEO Ed Skloot. And it often means allowing program staff to provide flexible, multiyear support, which grantees consistently say they need to be effective but rarely receive.
- To build trust, you need to communicate well. Grantees consistently tell CEP that trust depends on good, two-way communication, and of course this makes intuitive sense. Grantees want funders to be clear and transparent about goals, strategies, and processes; good listeners rather than just good talkers; and responsive rather than prone to ghosting.
If you’re truly committed to this path, then you, like Einhorn, will have grantees say glowing things like, “We have an honest, authentic relationship with each other. I trust that they care about my success as much as I do. We have had challenges, but I have not felt judged because of that. I’ve experienced empathy.” You, too, will build the kind of trust that is a gateway to effective philanthropy.
Keep the faith (and reason),

Mario and Lowell
Mario Morino is chairman of the Morino Institute, co-founder and founding chair of Venture Philanthropy Partners, and author of the lead essay in Leap of Reason. Lowell Weiss is president of Cascade Philanthropy Advisors, co-editor of Leap of Reason, and advisor to the Leap of Reason initiative.