Creative Commons Plus License

The Leap of Reason Ambassadors Community is a private community of nonprofit thought leaders and practitioners. The purpose of the community is to inspire, motivate, and support nonprofit and public sector leaders (and their stakeholders) to build great organizations for greater societal impact and to increase the expectation and adoption of high performance as the path to this end. icon for creative commons license These materials, collaboratively developed by the Leap of Reason Ambassadors Community, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. We encourage and grant permission for the distribution and reproduction of copies of these materials in their entirety (with original attribution). Permissions beyond the scope of this license are defined as follows:

You may adapt or make derivatives (e.g. remixes, excerpts, or translations) of these materials, so long as they do not, in the reasonable discretion of the Leap of Reason Ambassadors Community, alter or misconstrue the material’s meaning or intent.

Attribution is to be in the following formats: ● For unmodified use of materials, the attribution information already contained in the materials is to be maintained intact. ● For adaptations of these materials, the attribution should substantially follow this format:

“From {title of item}, Leap of Reason Ambassadors Community, licensed under CC BY ND” The Leap of Reason Ambassadors Community may revoke the additional permissions described above at any time. For questions about copyright issues or special requests for use beyond the scope of this license, please email us at Copyright © 2014 Morino Institute (Provisional holder of copyright for Leap of Reason Ambassadors Community)